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Becoming Gospel Fluent | Speaking Gospel Truths – part 7

We’ve taken several weeks to lay a foundation of what it means to become a gospel fluent community (if you haven’t read parts 1-6, I’d recommend that you start there!). As we continue in this series, we want to think through what it means to speak gospel truths to one another intentionally.

But before we unpack this, it would be helpful to give you the definition of the gospel once again. Remember, the gospel is the “good news,” particularly good news about Jesus. You can summarize the gospel in several ways, but here’s a definition I like to use:

The gospel is the good news that Jesus is Lord and King over all creation. Jesus ushered in God’s kingdom and died on the cross for our sins, was buried, resurrected, and exalted to the right hand of God the Father. In his great love and by his amazing grace, God the Father saves those who repent of their sin, believe the gospel, and follow Jesus. When King Jesus returns on the Day of Judgment, everyone who has followed him will enter into the eternal Kingdom of God.

In other words, the gospel is the good news that Jesus is King of all creation!

I’ve found that it helps when speaking the gospel to others to think about and consider speaking one or more of the four implications that flow from the gospel: salvation, justification, adoption, and sanctification. What do I mean by this?

My good friend, Caesar Kalinowski, author of The Gospel Primer,outlines it this way, and I think it’s great:

Because of the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we are…

As we think of these gospel truths, we can flesh out what it means to speak them into one another’s lives. This is important in becoming a gospel fluent people who speak the good news! Here’s how that can look:

Because of the gospel, we…

As you go through the week, think through these four implications of the gospel. How can you apply them to your life – past, present, and future? How can you speak these truths to others who might be experiencing shame, guilt, pride, anger, or loneliness?

This week, take some time to discuss this with a friend, family member, or missional community. How do these gospel truths give you joy, peace, and freedom?

Let’s strive to speak the gospel truths to one another! Praying with and for you,

–Pastor Wade

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