How did this Recovery Ministry begin?


The men decided to target the next men’s retreat intentionally focusing on sexual sin issues.  During that time of preparation, people were concerned that men would not attend. What happened is that 55 men across generations attended the retreat. God was doing something. There was an incredible level of transparency and brokenness as men confessed to one another their hidden sins. From the retreat, we launched Grace groups. The men met on Monday evenings using the materials we had worked with from the beginning. As we launched another local sexual recovery ministry iwe did not expect anyone from our own church to come. About 20 men came… almost entirely from FBC. God was doing something. In September 2019,  at the Women’s Retreat, Sandy Lucci and Kelly Flores shared that there was going to be a parallel Women’s Recovery Ministry for women who’s significant others had fallen into pornography. A handful of women began this journey.

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