FBC Kids

Our Mission

Our Children’s Ministry (CM) team seeks to equip parents for teaching and discipling their children in the home to obey Christ by dwelling in Christ, nurturing relationships, and advancing the Gospel. We want to help people find and follow Jesus, and part of this is that we strive to help parents lead and shape their families.

Other Info

On the last Sunday of each month, the children join their families in the main auditorium for worship and then are dismissed for the remainder of the morning to the Children’s Ministry classrooms.

Your child’s safety is very important to us. All classrooms have at least two volunteers and one must be over the age of 18.  All adult volunteers have completed the children’s ministry training and screening procedures, which includes a criminal background check.

For more information or general questions on Children’s Ministry, or if you would like to volunteer in Children’s Ministry, please contact Nancy Olson at nancyo@fbcaz.org.

Kids of Faith

Kids of Faith is our ministry for children from birth through 4th grade. During our Sunday gatherings at 9:00am and 10:45am, you can expect the following:

Nursery (0 – 23 months)

A snack of cheerios is provided (age appropriate) with parental consent. If your child has a food allergy, please communicate this to the classroom volunteer. Allergies can also be added to your child’s name tag.

Toddlers (2 to 4 years of age)

Our toddler class uses a curriculum called Truth for Toddlers through Answers in Genesis. During class time, kids will have a time of worship, a short Bible lesson which includes a coloring page, and play time outside/inside.

Snacks are provided (allergy-friendly options included). If your child has a food allergy or you do not want them to have the provided snack, please communicate your preferences to the classroom volunteer. Allergies can be added to your child’s name tag. We also provide cups for water. You may also send along a water bottle with lid. Please label with your child’s name.

Prek - 4th grades

We use a curriculum called Answers in Genesis. During classroom time, a Bible lesson is taught, which includes discussion questions, Bible verse memory, activity pages and a craft. Snacks are provided (allergy-friendly options included). If your child has a food allergy or you do not want them to have the provided snack, please communicate your preferences to the classroom volunteer. Allergies can be added to your child’s name tag. We also provide cups for water. You may also send along a water bottle with lid. Please label with your child’s name.


Ignite56 is our 5th and 6th grade ministry. Our kids meet on Sundays at 9am. We use a curriculum called Answers in Genesis. During their time in the classroom, kids will participate in a Bible lesson which includes activities, discussion questions, and Bible verse memory. A snack is also provided.

Ignite56 Events

Ignite56 will host 7 events throughout the year. For updates and more information, please email nancyo@fbcaz.org.

Child Dedication

At Faith Bible Church, we enjoy celebrating child dedication with you and your family. The dedication ceremony takes place before the congregation from the stage on a Sunday morning. Before going through the child dedication process, it’s important to understand what child dedication is, as well as how it functions within the church.

Child dedication is not a sacrament/ordinance like baptism or communion—you won’t find instructions for it anywhere in the New Testament. There’s nothing magical about it—it doesn’t save your child or guarantee that they will eventually come to trust Jesus as Savior and Lord. However, child dedication can serve as a powerful moment, for both family and our church body, as both parties commit to working together to raise the child in a way that honors God.

This is a time for parents to acknowledge their child as a gift from God (Psalm 127:3-5). It is also a time for parents to publicly commit to raise their child in the instruction and discipline of the Lord, giving opportunities to know God and establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (Deut. 6:4-9; Ephesians 6:4).

Parenting is hard. Everyone needs help, and you do not have to do it alone. The body of Christ—including the local church—is designed to help one another grow, bear one another’s burdens, and love and encourage one another. Not only can others in the church community provide wisdom, support, and guidance to you as you raise your children, but your experiences may also present you with an opportunity to do the same for others.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”  – Hebrews 10:24-25

Participants do not need to be church members, but need to be able to answer “I do” to the following questions:

  1. Do you acknowledge your child as a gift from God?
  2. Do you seek to model the love of Christ in your life and present a living example of Him to your child and others?
  3. Do you commit yourself to give your child an opportunity to hear the gospel so that he or she might be able to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
  4. Do you commit to raise your child in the instruction and discipline of the Lord?

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


Kids represent the greatest opportunity to make a long-term impact on our world for Christ. Awana establishes welcoming, supportive environments where kids, from every background and cultural setting, learn how a personal relationship with Christ affects their everyday lives. Kids preschool age and older are invited to attend Sunday afternoons from 4-6 pm. Contact Awana Commander Susan for more information: susancary314@gmail.com.

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