Produce On Wheels – With Out Waste (P.O.W.W.O.W.) disperses fresh produce to communities at churches, schools and other entities throughout Southern Arizona and the metropolitan Tucson and Phoenix service areas. 10 million lbs. of fresh nutritional rescued produce annually are delivered to agency sites for distribution to supporters. Anyone can contribute $12 to shop for up to 70lbs. of fresh produce, to share with neighbors, friends, family or someone who’s in need. On the second Saturday of the month, from November-May. FBC hosts this distribution right in our parking lot, providing our community with this wonderful service.
Choices Pregnancy Center is the local arm of Crisis Pregnancy Centers. They provide free, individualized and confidential services including pregnancy testing, ultrasound, STD/STI testing, parenting education, adoption counseling, after abortion counseling, and abstinence information. Their goals are to present options and empower men and women to make informed choices.
Choices Pregnancy Center sees an average of 850-900 clients a year.
DEC provides comprehensive life skills training and personal care services to children and adults with developmental disabilities. DEC also provides in-home care with respite services that give relief to the primary caregiver and habilitation services that expand the life-skills training provided in the day programs.
Ministry Lead: Nancy Younger
Granada Estates is a neighborhood within 2 miles of FBC’s campus that we have chosen to come alongside and serve holistically. This neighborhood is made up of 3000 residents including 200 students attending Foothills and Pioneer Elementary Schools and Cactus High School. It is also primarily comprised of mobile and modular homes. Foothills Elementary School is a public K-8 school where most of the children from our adopted neighborhood, Granada Estates, attend. We have spent the last 5 years or so coming alongside this precious school and helping them, especially when it comes to encouraging teachers and helping under resourced families.
Our efforts to serve this community involve helping those who are disabled bring their property up to code compliance. We also look to partner with residents in the effort to increase the wellness and development of the neighborhood. We also look to begin small groups that meet to study God’s Word, build relationships, and serve, as an expression of the Kingdom of God within the community.
The Bridge to Hope and their volunteers work to improve lives and reverse the devastating and long-term effects of poverty and homelessness among single mothers and their children. Program services are designed to maintain the family by empowering single mothers and enhancing their skills to independently care for their families and integrate into the community.
They encourage single mothers to turn to The Bridge to Hope for support if they have experienced domestic violence, a financial crisis or have recovered from substance abuse. These women and their children are welcomed with open arms by a loving and accepting Christian community.
The Local Missions Team meets monthly to provide support for our local missionaries and support organizations through prayer, accountability and communication. This team oversees the financial support and makes decisions about annual support and resource needs of our missionaries and missionary organizations. This team also exists to creatively help the attenders of FBC find their place in reaching this community for Jesus.
What is a refugee? A refugee is any person who is outside any country of such person’s nationality or, in the case of a person having no nationality, is outside any country in which such person last habitually resided, and who is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of, that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.
For decades Faith Bible Church has partnered with the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service to provide a transition team for a new refugee family. Families have come from Africa, Asia and the middle east and have come from various religious backgrounds. Our teams have befriended and served these families through this immensely challenging season of their lives. We set up and furnish their new apartment, provide initial food for their arrival, and help them learn to navigate U.S. and Phoenix City life. Most importantly, the members of the team love them and provide friendship until they are able to sufficiently adapt to their new American life.