Stepping Into the Lenten Season
Lent is a season of spiritual preparation in which we remember Christ’s temptation, suffering, and death. It’s a time for us to intentionally set aside things in everyday life that tend to separate us from God and instead focus on living holy and obedient lives for the glory of God.
Lent is also a season of repentance and faith. Of course, this is an everyday posture of worship for us! Yet Lent serves to reorient us once again in the reality that we are sinful people who a merciful Savior saves.
Historically, the church has observed Lent for 40 days, beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending just before Easter. This 40-day period symbolizes the time Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness, enduring temptation, and preparing for his ministry. The culmination of Lent is Holy Week, which is the week immediately preceding Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday. Many Christian churches commemorate Holy Week to remember the last week of Jesus’ life, emphasizing his suffering (the Passion) and his death through various ceremonies and worship services.
During the 40 days of Lent, many Christians seek to draw closer to the Lord through prayer, fasting, repentance, and self-denial. A common question among Christians during this time is, “What are you doing for Lent?”
Let me give you several ideas for observing Lent this year:
Reflect daily on the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the meaning of his death on the cross, and the greatness of God’s love for you. Here’s a definition of the gospel we say at FBC:
The gospel is the good news that the kingdom of God has come, that Jesus Christ is its King, and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, was resurrected, and exalted to the Father’s right hand. In his great love and amazing grace, God the Father saves those who repent of their sins, believe the gospel, and follow Jesus. When King Jesus returns on the Day of Judgment, everyone following him will enter the eternal Kingdom of God.
(Mark 1:14-17; 8:27-31; 1 Corinthians 15:1-5; 20-28; Romans 1:1-5; John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-10; Matthew 25:31-46)
Make time each day for personal prayer. Ask the Lord to open your heart so that you can truly experience his presence and power. Be still and acknowledge that he is God. Invite the Spirit to calm your heart, reveal any sin that needs confessing, remind you of how dearly loved you are by the Father, and bring you joy in being with Jesus. Also, pray for others to find and follow Jesus this season.
Set aside time each day to read your Bible. A great option is to read the Gospel of Mark, which primarily emphasizes the significance of the cross. The highlight of Lent is Holy Week, the week that immediately precedes Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday.
A common practice during Lent is to give up something that we often turn to for comfort or distraction—such as technology, social media, sweets, coffee, or alcohol. This period is an excellent opportunity to detox from habits that may have a stronghold in your life and redirect your focus toward God and his will for you.
Besides giving something up, how can you serve during this Lenten season? What needs do you notice around you? Where do you see brokenness in your neighborhood or community, and how can you actively bring God’s healing to those areas?
Reflect daily on Jesus Christ, who came not to serve but to serve and to give his life for the ransom of many (Mark 10:43-45).
Keeping a journal of your thoughts, prayers, and reflections during Lent can support your Lenten journey.
If you have children, plan special activities just for them during Lent. Take your family hiking, go on a lunch date, or have a family day where you can volunteer together in the community.
During Lent, seek God’s guidance to develop a heart of generosity. Consider the needs within your church or community. Who might be having a financial struggle that you could bless with a spontaneous gift? Are there organizations you can contribute to?
Is there someone in your life you need to forgive? Don’t hold onto that resentment any longer. Pray and ask God to help you forgive them.
In this season of Lent, let’s continue to seek God’s glory and grow as disciples of Jesus. I’m praying for you, church!
-Pastor Wade